Stradlater gets back from his date with Jane and Holden is still up. He reads the paper Holden wrote and gets pissed because it describes some stupid mitt instead of a boring room. Of course Holden isn't happy about that and gets up and rips it up. There's tension in the room, and Holden starts to smoke to rile up Stradlater. He asks Stradlater how the date went and if he mentioned him to Jane, and Stradlater of course says no. Stradlater does however tell Holden that they were in the basketball coach's car the whole time while lightly punching Holden. Holden freaks and tries to hit him square in the face but misses and hits him in the side of the head. Stradlater tackles him to the floor and sits on his chest. Holden keeps calling him a moron and stuff and Stradlater wouldn't let him up unless he would shut up. Holden said he would be quiet and they get up. However, Holden starts right back up again and Stradlater punches him to the ground. Stradlater is sort of worried that Holden will tell on him and he leaves the room. Holden gets up, puts on his hat, and checks himself out in the mirror, almost fascinated by the blood. Holden then goes and sees of Ackley is up.
Response- Stradlater's still a jerk... haha. I would have freaked on him like Holden if he started insulting my dead brother's mitt, even if it wasn't direct... I still would be pissed! I'm on Holden's side!
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