Thursday, November 20, 2008

Chapter 8 (RBoC)

When walking out of the forest, the young soldier hears the sounds of battle and makes his way towards it. He thinks its funny that he's heading towards a battle when he just ran away from one. It then occurs to Henry that what he fought in might have only been a small battle and people will think of it as insignificant, even though he and his buddies took it so seriously.
Approaching the battle he runs into "dead man's territory" and is scared that they are going to get up and shoo him away.
He gets to where all of the wounded are and sees a lot of men. Meets the tattered soldier, who has two wounds and seems to aggravate Henry. He talks about how those young boys were great fighters and proved themselves because they didn't run away. The tattered soldier then asks Henry were he is injured and because he doesn't know what to say, Henry just turns and walks away.

[Meets the tattered soldier]

Question- Why didn't anyone else notice Henry wasn't injured?

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