The book starts out with the narrator, Nick Carraway, saying that his dad told him how not to immediately judge people.He mentions a character named Gatsby, who's habits Nick doesn't like, but Nick likes Gatsby's personality. Nick then goes on to talk about how in 1922 he moved to Long Island, New York on the West Egg, right next to Mr. Gatsby. He moved to New York to learn about the bond business. West Egg is less prestigious than the East Egg. Nick knows a man named Tom Buchanan who lives on the East Egg and is married to Nick's cousin Daisy. Tom went to Yale with Nick and Tom's family is
filthy rich. One evening Nick goes over to the East Egg to visit Tom and Daisy in their mansion. Nick sees Tom in front of the house in riding attire and is invited inside. They enter the room Daisy is in and Nick sees a stranger, who is introduced as Miss Baker. They all talk for a bit and Tom asks Nick what he's doing and Nick says he's in the bond business. Tom dismisses what company Nick is working for and Nick isn't very happy. Miss Baker finally talks after Tom says something about a book he just finished reading about Nordics and how the white race should be most dominant. Miss Baker declines the drinks because she's in training and Nick remembers that he has seen her before. They mention Gatsby and Daisy reacts strangely to it. They then go outside to eat and Daisy pokes fun at Tom. Daisy and Miss Baker do most of the talking. Someone calls and it's for Tom. Daisy gets up after Tom and Miss Baker fills Nick in that Tom has a girl in New York and it's most likely her that called. They come back and Tom asks if anyone wants to see the stables and the phone rings again, and Daisy shakes her head to both matters. The group finishes eating and Miss Baker and Tom go to the library and Daisy and Nick go sit on the front porch. Daisy tells Nick about the day Tom and her 2 year old daughter is born because Tom wasn't there the day she was born. Daisy also tells Nick that she is getting cynical and pessimistic about everything. They go inside where Tom and Miss Baker are reading
The Saturday Evening Post and Miss Baker gets up to go to bed because she's playing in a golf tournament the next day. Nick recognizes her as Jordan Baker since she is on a lot of posters and in the paper frequently. Daisy mentions that she wants Nick and Jordan to hook up and she would plan everything out. Nick gets up to leave and then Tom and Daisy question him about if he is engaged to a girl back west and he says no, because it's only a rumor, since you can't leave a girl you were dating and not have rumors. While driving away, Nick reflects on the events of the dinner. When he gets back to his house, he puts the car in the shed and then sees what he thinks is Mr. Gatsby and he is reaching out to the bay and Nick looks at the bay and back to Gatsby, but Mr. Gatsby vanished!
Response- I like this book so far, it already is fille with drama about Tom and Daisy, and Mr. Gatsby is just a huge mystery. Looking forward to the rest!!!
Question- Why did Daisy react so weirdly when the name Gatsby was mentioned?
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