Nick says he's writing all of this two years after Gatsby's death. A ton of people are coming to the house to see if they can see where he was shot and reporters are questioning Nick and Gatsby's staff about it, while adding to their stories. Nick knows that no one else would really take care of the funeral and all of the arrangements so he takes it upon himself to do it. He tries to contact Tom and Daisy but they left without a forwarding address. All the other people Nick contacts about Gatsby, they blow him off and say they won't go to the funeral, or Gatsby got what he deserved. Wolfsheim avoided all of Nick's attempts to contact him too. Henry C. Gatz, Gatsby's father, arrives because he saw the story about Gatsby in the newspaper. Henry is old and is very proud of his son. VERY. He shows Nick a notebook that was Gatsby's when he was younger. Inside was a schedule Gatsby created to further himself. The only people other than Nick and Henry that attended the funeral were a few servants and that Owl Eyes character. After all is said and done, Nick doesn't want to be in the East anymore, and moves back home. He ends it with Jordan, who said she was engaged with another man already, then Nick called her immature. A couple of days before Nick leaves, he sees Tom in New York and confronts him about Tom telling Wilson that Gatsby hit Myrtle. All Tom wants is Nick's forgiveness so he can move past it and forget it... and Nick is disgusted. Nick thinks about the differences in the East and West, about how East seems ugly and distorted compared to the West. On Nick's last night living in the house next to Gatsby's, Nick goes into Gatsby's backyard and thinks about how Gatsby never got Daisy and how he hardly achieved his dream. Then something about the Dutch.
Response- I wanted to punch Tom when he said Gatsby deserved to die... he's an idiot. Nick did good fixing up Gatsby's funeral, even if he didn't 100% love Gatsby's character.
Question- What will Nick do now? He didn't finish his bond training...
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