Holden walks back to the hotel after leaving Ernie's... all 41 blocks! It was cold, and Holden got to thinking about how his gloves got stolen at Pencey, and imagined how he would confront the jerk that stole them and beat him up. Holden then admits that he isn't the fighter type, he's "yellow." Neither a fighter or a lover, just there. When he gets into the elevator at the hotel, the elevator man asked if Holden wanted a whore for the night for $5. Holden, feeling lonely and depressed, accepted. Holden goes to his room and thinks about his virginity and how he is almost nervous about the chick coming up. When she gets there, Holden notices that she looks his age. Her name is Sunny and she takes off her dress when Holden just wants to talk, and then Holden makes an excuse that he is recovering from his operation on his "clavichord." She gets all pissy and pays her the 5 bucks even though she says it was 10. He doesn't give her 10 though.
Response- A prostitute!? Holden, the little lonely stud... poor guy. He just wanted to talk to the impatient tramp.
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