Holden gets to the Antolini's where it looks like they just got done with a huge party. Mr. Antolini is a heavy drinker and Mrs. Antolini isn't really present in the story. Mr. Antolini talks to Holden about what he thinks might happen to Holden if he keeps doing what he is doing. He also talks about the things Holden might be able to do to prevent it, but Holden can't really pay any attention because he's weak and really tired. So Mr. Antolini and Holden make up the couch and Holden falls asleep. He wakes up abruptly to someone stroking his head... and it was Mr. Antolini. [ : O ] Holden sort of freaks, because he thinks Mr. Antolini is hitting on him, and leaves in a hurry.
Response- WOAH!!! So if Mr. Antolini was making some moves on Holden... eck. But he could also just be totally wasted and feeling Holden's pain, so he's trying to comfort him.... I don't know.
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