Once Henry finds the infantry men, he is shocked to see that they are losing horribly, and they are running back to retreat. While trying to get the retreating soldiers attention, Henry gets hold of some soldier's arm. The young soldier can't form a question in his mind, all he can say is "Why..." while the soldier Henry grabbed screams at him to let him go, he hits Henry in the head with his rifle! Henry sinks to the ground, and battles with his muscles to be able to move. He tries to find a place where he won't be treaded on, which reminds him of Jim. He runs as fast as his weak body will take him and the sun slowly starts to set. Henry concentrates on not damaging his wound anymore than it already is, and is sort of consumed by thinking about it. Then he starts to remember random things about home, and is growing more and more weary. When thinking about if he should lay down and sleep, a man confronts Henry and starts telling him random things about the battle, and helps him. Henry describes his voice as cheery, and listens to everything he has to say. That cheery voiced soldier tells Henry of his friend named Jack who got shot in the head.
They get to the camp trying to find their regiment's different fires, and the cheery voice soldier finds Henry's for him with ease. He points Henry towards it, squeezes his hand while telling him goodbye, and leaves. After he leaves it occurs to Henry that he never looked at his face.
Response- Finally!!! Henry is in the camp, and that cheery soldier was kinda creepy, but great because Henry is in the camp. No running now Henry. haha.
Question- Will we see this cheery voiced soldier again?
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