Henry wakes up, feeling he was sleeping for a long time. He looks around and in the grayness of dawn, every one looks dead. The young soldier is frightened for a second, but then realizes that it's his imagination and everyone is fine. Wilson comes over to Henry and checks up on his head, and Henry yells at him, saying that he is clumsy. Wilson doesn't take it personal and tells Henry to get something to eat. The loud soldier prepares something to eat for Henry and himself while Henry assesses Wilson, noticing the small changes in his character that makes him more mature; confidence, not debating everyone's opinion, and his will to help Henry. Henry is taken out of his "trance" by Wilson asking Henry what he thinks the chances of winning are. They start talking about the battle, and Wilson thinks that they did well, while Henry says otherwise. Randomly, Henry tells Wilson that Jim is dead. When they were talking, the men at the fire next to them started fighting about spilled coffee and Wilson goes over to calm the fight. When Wilson returns, he tells Henry that Jimmie Rogers told him he has to fight him. Wilson doesn't think Jimmie will remember, and randomly tells Henry that they thought they lost half of the regiment yesterday, but soldiers kept coming back like Henry last night. The chapter ends with Henry saying, "So?" to Wilson about this subject.
Response- With Henry back in the army, I can't help but wonder if he is actually going to stay and fight the next time or if he is just going to run again. Wilson seems to be
way more mature than he was two days ago. Good for Wilson!!!!!
Theme-*Manhood~ Because he fought in the battle continuously, Wilson has achieved manhood and Henry thinks he looks like he has a lot of wisdom.
Motif-*Youth and Maturity~ Wilson seems to be more mature after staying in the battle, I would consider Henry to still be immature, since he ran away.
Question- Is Henry even going to tell Wilson the truth?
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