This chapter starts out with the rebels in the distance and the regiment noticing that Jimmie Rogers is hurt. Wilson offers to go get him water and ends up getting it for basically everybody. Henry goes with him. They couldn't find one so they head back, and see in the distance, the battle still raging on. They also see a house and a distant road, and wounded men searching for their friends. On their way back, a general and another officer are riding past them and talk about the enemy charging somewhere and they are arguing what they are going to do when the other officer tells the general they can spare the 304th division... Henry's division. Henry and Wilson rush back to tell the lieutenant that they are charging. The regiment didn't believe them, and then the two officers rode up to them, told them they were charging and that was the end of it for the rest of the regiment. Only Henry and Wilson knew that overhearing the discussion of the two officers, that those officers think of them as insignificant and they don't expect them to live.
Response- I wonder what is honestly going through Henry and Wilson's minds. I would most definitely not want to hear my commanding officer tell someone else that I am insignificant!
Clean and dirty~ When the army is having self-doubts and hesitant, they are clean. When they are done with fighting and calm from the battle, they are dirty. The dirtyness adds some manhood to the soldiers, I think.
Question- What is going to happen to Jimmie Rogers?
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