"He began to swear so wondrously that a nervous laugh went along the regimental line. The officer's profanity sounded conventional. It relieved the tightened senses of the new men."
The rest of the army then starts to retreat behind them. Everyone who passes the soldiers of the 304th (Henry's) and the veterans, all look wild and distressed, wanting nothing to do with what they are running from. This makes Henry think he could run away faster than all of them.
*The Flag~ How the battle for the Union is going. Ex.:
Going good=sways in the air nicely.
Starting to go bad=whips violently
Retreat=close to falling over
*Courage~ Henry is still there, and is starting to overcome his thoughts of running away.Retreat=close to falling over
Question- If Henry's regiment isn't fighting in this chapter, have they yet?
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